Saturday, May 15, 2010


For everything, there always tends to exist a limit. Everywhere now and then catastrophes (natural or artificial) bump into and lay waste to the natives of the neck of the woods. No matter how destructive the catastrophes may turn out to be, the natives find the way out to resconstruct the harmony of their existence and learn to avoid or defend such cataclysms to happen subsequently. If we let things happen as they are taking place, aehhh how long back we the humans could have already been extincted.

However at the same time,
There is a place in this so called Global Village,
where everyone seems to be comfortable in conciliating with the issues and consequences,
where the price of daily consumable commodities rise up thrice,
where electricity blinks two hours in a day or sometimes in a week,
where even the dogs feel afraid to bark at night,
where everyone is content with what is happening,
where uncertainties are certain,
where irregularities are regular,
where no one is willing to stand up and utter that We Need A Change.

Nonetheless this is the land where we are born,
where the sun shines and the moon gleams too,
where the wind blows too and the rain drizzles,
where plants grow and hills too exist,
where verdancy has been showered.

Now it has become the stagnant land.

So now to whom  do we need to approach. Our palms are greased at the time of balloting and in exchange, the aftereffects are evident. Seriously we have none to be heard of regardless of the scale we raise our voices up to and we have none to reckon to what extent we stretch. To be precise, we are into the Vicious circle where in the loop seems to iterate infinitely. No one needs to be inculpated. We just keep charging one another instead of finding a solution or at least an algorithm to breakthrough. We must not sit idle and stay tedious. It's time to wake up and make a call. Its now upto we the youngsters wholly to make the change and to extirpate the irregularities. We must have to be wise . We need a change. We need to praise the leaders who walk the walk as they talk the talk. We can now ascertain of the consequences of being slept for long and letting things happen as they are taking place. Things do not change; we must have to make things change. Let us stand united and move forward.


Unknown said...

your latest blog really serves its awaken and hope many more too...

roshbrahm said...

Ohh thanx Chingkhie....
it's just a thought that has been ruunning through my mind since long time..and i hope many of our brothers and sisters have the same thoughts and feelings...what we need is to walk the walk as we talk the talk...don't we?

Unknown said...

etao burning topics khara tausedana, Manipur ge oiba.

Unknown said...

yai yai itaobi...kei keino khra touda yade akhoi mayam changdana ha...